Movie No. 3 of 2014
I'd heard a lot about When Harry Met Sally but the only thing I really knew was it was a romantic comedy and Mike Wazowski was in it. I stumbled upon it through Netflix and I had nothing better to do so on it went.
Directed by Rob Reiner, 1989 |
This film was incredibly good! I can't get over it. Really. It's all I've thought about for the past 24 hours. At first I was wondering why on Earth these two people are in this car together but the plot summary on Wikipedia sorted that one right out for me. The story is about Harry and Sally who share a car on the way to New York to start out their careers. They immediately take a dislike to one another and go their separate ways. 5 years later the pair meet again, however only briefly as they share a flight. (They seem to be sharing a lot of transportation...) And again they go their different ways. Then ANOTHER 5 years later, what are the chances, they bump into each other again but this time, they get along.
The characters are what made this film for me. Harry, played by Billy Crystal is so frustratingly interesting. I could listen to his character talk all day! He was hilarious. The dialogue was also brilliant. I forgot I was watching a film, it was so effortless and natural to the ears. That's all that's really needed to be said except I will obviously make a quick note to Rob Reiner's mother and her famous line, "I'll have what she's having."
Pure genius.
The make up team really did an excellent job by making Billy look so young and then completely transforming him into a fully grown, tax paying adult. On the other hand, they must have spent so much time on Billy that they completely forget to help out Meg Ryan so they just gave her a quick trim to her hair.
The only negative thing I have to say is that Meg Ryan's acting was too exaggerated and I found my eyes rolling countless times. You're letting the team down, Meg!
If you haven't seen When Harry Met Sally yet, what are you doing with your life?
Favourite Quote: I'll have what she's having.
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