Thursday, 28 April 2016

Silence on The Tracks

I take a lot of trains. Like a lot a lot. And every regular passenger has their routine when they hit their seat: some people read, some use the time to finish work, but I, like the majority, just pop some earphones in and project a little concert in my head. However yesterday, the unthinkable happened: I forgot my earphones...I know, you're wondering how I survived, it was hard, trust me, but I made it. So as a result, on my journey to Manchester, I was forced to think. So here ladies and gents, are my Unfiltered Thoughts From A Train With No Earphones:

  1.  There's a lot of trees by train tracks. And a lot of shades of green. Oh my God, I'm dying here why am I talking about shades someone send help!
  2. Everyone's on their phone. Like I know I am right now but when did this happen? When did this become the norm? And when did Snake stop being such a big thing? That game was awesome!
  3. It seems someone else has forgotten their earphones, but decided to ignore the fact that everyone else on this train also has ears and may not want to listen to...French is this? Techno French? Wait no I was way off. It's a workout DVD. YOU'RE IN A TRAIN MATE NOT A GYM TURN IT OFF.
  4. I'm always baffled by people who take bikes on trains. You're carrying a form of transport onto another form of transport? ...Logic.
  5. Irlam station is so cute it has a pub and the station actually looks clean...woah.
  6. Eyeing up the competition on the platform to see who I need to beat in order to guarantee a seat is honestly, more thrilling than it should be. Sorry Businessmen 1,2 and 3, looks like you'll be standing today ;)
  7. Why don't people take their rubbish with them!? Having to move your empty coffee cup and crisp packets out of my seat isn't my job, Sunshine.
  8. Who's idea was table seats!? Sitting opposite a total stranger for an hour is just awkward!
  9. I wonder where everyone else is travelling to...
Being forced to notice things was actually surprisingly nice! It may sound silly but to be completely alone in public, and I don't mean without a friend, but without something to do; without the comfort of my favourite playlist; to just be present in time surrounded by other people was so interesting. I even wouldn't mind forgetting my earphones again...

-Liv :)

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Bravery Is A Choice

The inspiration for this post comes minutes after sitting on my toilet to deposit a specimen, and consequently picking up the loo roll to see the white canvas was masked with an eight-legged, little friend. We'll call her, Charlotte. (Get it? Cause the web and- oh nevermind.) Following my meeting with, Charlotte, I quickly made the decision that we were not to be friends and flappingly flung her and the roll against the wall. I cleaned my business with loo roll no. 2 and called for my mum who whipped out her trusty flip-flop and alas, Charlotte is no more.

You see, Charlotte was the size of a 50 pence piece...if that. I'm huge! A giant in comparison. In fact, even the flush of the toilet was enough to startle the poor thing and freeze her in her tracks. Yet, why was I so afraid that I resorted to hiding in my shower for protection?

Earlier in the night, I sat down to watch episode 2 of Steve Backshall's new ITV1 show, Fierce. Coincidentally, in tonight's programme, he had an encounter with the world's largest spider. Not only did he have an encounter, he had intentionally set out to look for the beast. Absolute nutter.

When Stevie B did find this monster, he couldn't even fit her in his hand. Oh yeah, there's another point, HE VOLUNTARILY PICKED HER UP! She crawled from palm to palm, up his arm, all whilst he couldn't contain his childlike glee. He relished in the magnificence of this creature with zero fear, just elation to be in her presence. Yet when an incy wincy spider sits comfortably away from me, I can't help but fear for my life.

I'm not alone. Arachnophobia is one of the most common fears in the world, ranging from mild to extreme cases. In any normal day, I would never choose to be like Steve and pick up a spider from my own will. However...I could. Like, if I really wanted to prove to myself I could, then I could. I could pick up a spider, hold it in my hands and let it walk across me if I chose to. And that choice wouldn't half be brave!

We all have it in us to be brave. To do something that scares us. It's that little, extra push that makes us do something that we know would be good for us, but also know it would be even easier to simply ignore. Bravery is a choice and not one that will happen on its own. I want to make a conscious decision in life to make brave decisions and live with more fear! Being safe is easy, being brave is scary. But then again, what's more thrilling than being scared?

-Liv :)